Valentiny foundation

Artlines, in collaboration with the Valentina Foundation, created two exhibitions that were on view from July 8 - 24, 2022.

The Valentiny foundation is a museum referencing the work of the famous Luxembourg architect François Valentiny, located in the city of Schengen.

The first is the exhibition Good News, which focuses on a selection of glass and objects from the Czech Republic.
Luba Bakičová, Jiří David, Michal Macků
Curators: Martin Dostál, Ondřej Škarka

The second exhibition is Jiří Hauschka - I heard a twig snap, the wind rustled in the forest wasteland.
The exhibiting artists: Jiří Hauschka
Curators: Martin Dostál


Jiří Hauschka - I heard a twig snap, the wind rustled in the forest wastes

Jiří Hauschka - I heard a twig snap, the wind rustled in the forest wastes

Good news - glass and objects from the Czech Republic

Good news - glass and objects from the Czech Republic